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  • And some of us don't ask or answer the question, we just keep going, like a good loyal soldiers in the background--Hoshi and Hot Dog.

    Open Thread: #421 Daybreak Part 1 2009

  • One of Battlestar's under-appreciated aspects is taking minor, secondary characters and turning them into more interesting figures, and even in the chaos of the finale it still manages to do that with Ishay Cottle's nurse, played by Jamie Bamber's real-life wife, Cottle, Lt. Hoshi, Hot Dog and the Raptor team of Racetrack 'n' Skulls all getting some nice moments.

    Archive 2009-03-01 Adam Whitehead 2009

  • One of Battlestar's under-appreciated aspects is taking minor, secondary characters and turning them into more interesting figures, and even in the chaos of the finale it still manages to do that with Ishay Cottle's nurse, played by Jamie Bamber's real-life wife, Cottle, Lt. Hoshi, Hot Dog and the Raptor team of Racetrack 'n' Skulls all getting some nice moments.

    Galacticawatch 10: Season 4, Episode 20 Adam Whitehead 2009

  • You might be forgiven for thinking this new compilation is a greatest hits, since it's chock-full of winners like the Oscar-nominated short Guard Dog and the other two shorts in the Dog Trilogy, Guide Dog and Hot Dog.

    Michael Giltz: DVDs -- Life On Mars and Those Clever Brits 2009

  • ROCKWELL: Well, I have passive investments and some things like that going and I've got my second interview with Hot Dog on a Stick tomorrow and ...

    CNN Transcript - Larry King Live: Darva and Rick Reunite for First Time - February 21, 2001 2001

  • ROCKWELL: Well, I have passive investments and some things like that going and I've got my second interview with Hot Dog on a Stick tomorrow and ...

    CNN Transcript Aug 26, 2001 2001

  • Hatchett was an aspiring rapper, who went by the name Hot Dog.


  • I heard about Chicago Hot Dog from a friend who knows food, so I was pretty eager to eat lunch there the other day-so eager that I showed up at 11 a.m. on the dot, right when they're supposed to open.

    Dallas Observer | Complete Issue 2010

  • In particular the kid-themed zines like Muppet, Hot Dog, Electric Company, Dynamite, or the various movie and TV show specials.

    Branded in the 80s! 2010

  • In particular the kid-themed zines like Muppet, Hot Dog, Electric Company, Dynamite, or the various movie and TV show specials.

    Branded in the 80s! 2010


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